This question has been asked, and more than once, but as long as we have the new polling mechanism, heres yet another go around: Rank the Castles from top to bottom (1 being your favorite).
I suppose I could have included things like the Witchs Magic Manor and Hogwarts, and a couple of others along the same lines, but I wanted this to be about sets that were intended as a reasonably complete medieval castle. I did not restrict this to european castles only. No whining: just make your own poll with whatever corrections you care to make.
Since whatever criteria I suggest to use for judging the sets will no doubt be ignored, I leave that entirely to the voters discretion.
And as a final aside, the preview shows no paragraphing and the FTX listings make no mention of it (or at least as far as Im willing to search at 11:00 at night). My apologies if this turns out as one dense mass.
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