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Poll #7 Ballot

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LUGNET Member Poll
by Robin Werner
What LEGO® Train item(s) would you like to see released from LEGO® Direct/Company or third party custom kit maker?
A new 1/4 straight track section (4 stud long track piece).
A new larger curve radius track section.
A new right and left switching track sections with better track configuration (4 studs between parallel track sections).
A re-release of the 4549 Road ‘N Rail Hauler as a Legend?
A new container car set with loading equipment.
A re-release of the 4551 Crocodile Engine as a Legend?
A new Crocodile Engine with design updates in a new color (green, dark gray, etc.)?
A new European prototype diesel freight locomotive.
A new north American prototype diesel freight locomotive (hood unit).
A re-release of ether 2150 or 4554 Train/Metro Station as a Legend?
A new Train Station in a new color scheme (sand green, dark gray or other)?
A new Amtrak set(s) with a Genesis locomotive and Super Liner passenger cars.
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