Tally of multiple selections
...lost a piece?
97% (71/73)
...had extremely sore legs or feet from sitting in the same position all day while building?
91% (67/73)
...broken or chipped a fingernail while trying to separate two LEGO pieces?
90% (66/73)
...used your teeth to separate two LEGO pieces?
86% (63/73)
...bought something in a LEGO auction on the Internet?
84% (62/73)
...removed the arms from a Mini-Figure?
82% (60/73)
...removed the individual legs from a Mini-Figure?
75% (55/73)
...entered a LEGO contest of any type?
67% (49/73)
...bought LEGO for yourself and hid it from others?
63% (46/73)
...left something in the sun too long (and it became yellowed)?
56% (41/73)
...fought over pieces with a sibling?
42% (31/73)
...held a LEGO auction on the Internet?
39% (29/73)
...won a LEGO contest of any type?
34% (25/73)
...repainted or applied your own decals to a Mini-Figure?
32% (24/73)
...removed the torso or leg decorations from a Mini-Figure?
30% (22/73)
...cried because you didnt get a set you wanted?
20% (15/73)
...stuck a LEGO piece in your nose?
19% (14/73)
...accidentally left a LEGO piece in the sun (and it melted)?
9% (7/73)
...swallowed a LEGO piece?
6% (5/73)